Calendar Download 1.2

This component/theme doesn't work with the latest OSSN version.
us Helen Lubar 6 years ago

A simple looking calendar is my first component.

Malagasy Rado RAMBOA Replied 2 years ago

Thank you very much.
Everything is coming back.

I have to find now how to add friends

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

The OssnDataBaseException is caused by a bug in the Latest Members component.

Edit line #15 of the file components/LatestMembers/widgets/friends_widget.php
to look like

//  'order_by' => 'r.relation_id DESC'
Malagasy Rado RAMBOA Replied 2 years ago

How can i do to remove the component without reinstalling OSSN. I dont have anymore access to the admin page

Malagasy Rado RAMBOA Replied 2 years ago

I don't know what to do, i want to remove the component
after the change, below what i get

OssnDatabaseException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'r.relation_id' in 'order clause' 
 SELECT  u.guid, u.* FROM ossn_users as u  WHERE(u.time_created IS NOT NULL AND (u.guid IN(SELECT relation_from as friend_guid  FROM `ossn_relationships` WHERE `relation_to` = 1 AND `type` LIKE 'friend:request' AND relation_from IN(SELECT DISTINCT relation_to as guid  FROM `ossn_relationships` WHERE `relation_from` = 1 AND `type` LIKE 'friend:request'))))  ORDER by r.relation_id DESC LIMIT 10;  in /home/ekarftkm/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ OssnDatabase->execute()
#1 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ OssnDatabase->select()
#2 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ OssnUser->searchUsers()
#3 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ OssnUser->getFriends()
#4 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ include('...')
#5 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_include()
#6 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_view()
#7 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ com_latest_friends_widget()
#8 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_call_hook()
#9 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ include('...')
#10 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_include()
#11 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_view()
#12 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_plugin_view()
#13 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_set_page_layout()
#14 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_user_pagehandler()
#15 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_load_page()
#16 {main}
German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

change line 15 to look like

'icon' => 'fa-calendar',
Malagasy Rado RAMBOA Replied 2 years ago

hi, i'm new and i tried to install your component and i have this error, what can i do please

Error: Undefined constant "fa" in /home/ekarftkm/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ calendar_init()
#1 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ ossn_trigger_callback()
#2 /home/ekarftkm/domains/ require_once('...')
#3 {main}
us Sruli Bruck Replied 4 years ago

Adding the iframe worked with a Google calendar as well. Thanks for the suggestion.

us Theyadora Leeper Replied 4 years ago

If it helps anyone.
Having messed with this for a while.
I have found that a third party calendar works awesome in this component.
I use a calendar from
Simple to integrate, just place it in a iframe in the 'calendar/plugins/default/calendar/calendar.php'

ie,, replace all with this
<iframe id="yourcalendarhere" title="Calendar" width="100%" height="600" src=" code here"></iframe>

Italian Cristian Mameli Replied 5 years ago

Useful component. Too bad it was thought only in English. I could make the changes to write it in multiple languages ​​I'll think about it.

ge John johnny Replied 6 years ago

thats simple but so good. Thanks for this component.


Developer: Helen
License ossnv3
Type: Third Party integrations
Requires Ossn Version : 4.x
Latest Version: 1.2
Last Updated 6 years ago
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