Site Announcement Download 1.6

This component/theme works with latest OSSN version.
Indonesian Arsalan Shah 5 years ago

Site Announcement

This component allows making announcements on top of your newsfeed. The announcement will be visible to loggedin users only.

enter image description here

Version 1.3 is comes with HTML support now by means of Ossn's WYSIWYG editor

enter image description here

And that means: Using the Tools -> Source Code option on the editors toolbar, you may even embed multiple announcements in different languages in parallel like

enter image description here

This way a member with an English language setting will see the announcement already shown above, while a member with a German language setting will see

enter image description here

for more details on available languages.


V 1.3

  • added HTML support
  • added missing language files
Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

@Rafael, added and uploaded here, I modified the settings.php a bit

Breton Rafael [] Replied 1 year ago


I send a pull request on repository few days ago. Can you take a look?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

Thanks Rafael will fix it soon!

Breton Rafael [] Replied 2 years ago


After helped Maurice (, I found this message in error_log

[24-Nov-2022 20:32:44 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP WARNING: 2022-11-24 20:32:44 (-03): "Undefined property: OssnUser::$language" in file /.../ossn/components/Announcement/plugins/default/announcement/message.php (line 15)

In message.php file I found this:

$current_lang = ossn_site_settings('language');
if(ossn_isLoggedin()) {
    $user = ossn_loggedin_user();
    if($user->language) {
        $current_lang = $user->language;

The line can be updated to if(isset($user->language)) in next version?

PS: I update this part because I didn't see the multi language support in image before send the first version of message. Sorry

Breton Rafael [] Replied 2 years ago


I don't know if you changed the red color. But take a look into components\Announcement\plugins\default\announcement\message.php. You may change the alert-danger for other class or even add your own style on this tag

Breton Julinlabs dsd Replied 3 years ago

pls can u help me?
how to change the red color ??

us Jake Nicholson Replied 3 years ago

I have an issue that I cannot figure out - I updated to premium but now the site announcement shows HTML and the admin portion to edit it no longer has the TinyMCE editor.

Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the site announcement component?

ve Anthony Raimond Garces Davidson Replied 4 years ago

que tema usas yo el verde ese creo es el azul

us Theyadora Leeper Replied 4 years ago

I made a slight mod to this excellent component just to allow users to close it (The div) out if they want to once they have read it. Dev guys might wanna add this feature.. Thanks again guys for awesome code.

Breton Gennaro Vela Replied 5 years ago

Yes, really good. Just need to check the language compatibility and add modify the title

enter image description here


Developer: Arsalan
License ossnv4
Type: Site admin
Requires Ossn Version : 5.4
Latest Version: 1.6
Last Updated 1 year ago
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