Greetings Download 2.0

This component/theme works with latest OSSN version.
Indonesian Arsalan Shah 5 years ago

Greet users based on morning, day, evening, night. A widget will be displayed on newsfeed page , top of wall post form.


Install for better use experience.

ph TheDoggyBrad Software Lab Replied 1 year ago

@Arsakan Shah I think the evening background is causing the Good Night to be not easily be read, especially on mobile devices. For me, you should change it or edit the picture.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

Will fix in next version :)

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

1) When entering the frontpage of my site I get

Attempt to read property "first_name" on bool" in file components/Greetings/plugins/default/greetings/greetings.php (line 25)

2) I'd suggest to use


instead of .newsfeed-middle to ausure the greeting will in fact appear on top and not below any other inserted stuff

cl Erassus ︎ ︎ Replied 3 years ago

Its seems after 00:00 shows morning greeting, this is wrong because is midnight. So i made a fix for this component:

In the line 32 of ossncom.php replace all the function of greetingstime_now with this:

function greetings_time_now(){
    $time = date("H");
    if($time < "06"){
       return 'n';
    } elseif($time >= "06" && $time < "12"){
       return 'm';
    } elseif($time >= "12" && $time < "17"){
       return 'a';
    } elseif($time >= "17" && $time < "19"){
       return 'e';
    } elseif($time >= "19"){
       return 'n';

Now it will show night time after 00:00.

French Francois Zalor Replied 3 years ago

Hello Arsalan, many thanks for your response. I will see this during the day. Very nice work on your components

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 years ago

Yes you can translate into French. copy a file components/Greetings/locale/ossn.en.php to edit the contents as per requirements. Flush cache once done.

French Francois Zalor Replied 3 years ago

Hello, I really like the idea of ​​the open source social network project. I put the site in French, suddenly by bad luck. The module is not functioning properly. Is there a solution to have it also in French please ? Thank you

My problem

Breton Vinicius Goulart Replied 3 years ago

Hello, I tried to translate your plugin from English to Portuguese, and you will not have read the documentation you have here on the site.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

@Philip, I have no plan for changing the current implementation of timezone.

us Philip Lozier Replied 4 years ago

Would there be a possibility of finding another way of implementing the time zone assignment for a user? The list is cumbersome, to say the least, especially for a system that is going to be U.S and U.S. territory based. Like the component, but don't like the timezone selector... at all.


Developer: Arsalan
License ossnv4
Type: User admin
Requires Ossn Version : 6.0
Latest Version: 2.0
Last Updated 3 years ago
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