Read More

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German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 1 year ago

Well, I just program what I personally enjoy and what seems meaningful and interesting to me - totally independent of contributions or donations ... whatever. :)

us Isham Crozier Replied 1 year ago

Is there a contribution I can make to get this plugin?

us Philip Lozier Replied 3 years ago

@~Z~ Man ... very nice HUGE improvement. Much more in line with what people are used to. Have a "tip-jar", or "coffee/beer fund" somewhere? Would be happy to contribute to it!

German Andre kutzner Replied 3 years ago

~Z~ Man very well done works for me nice

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, guys.

Readmore 7.0 will preserve embedded media by default now, but it's up to you to switch this setting - aside from several other ones - from your admin backend.

us Philip Lozier Replied 4 years ago

Was going to bring it up before... I concur that having any media in the post remain visible is a necessity. It is the reason I am not using this component at the moment.

Zuang John Guthrie Replied 4 years ago

Agree with Jambu, would really be great if media could stay visible.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

You can try to replace all three instances of post-contents in js/readmore.php by post-contents p
But the result isn't 100% satisfying because only images are kept outside the <p>, while embedded videos and LinkPreviews are kept inside.
Thus it would need a completely different underlying library with a smart text recognition to separate media from text.

us Jambu Atchison Replied 4 years ago

Is there anyway to make this only apply to the text and not images?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

He friends,
as promised, a translatable release is available now.


Developer: Michael
License GPL v2
Type: Tools
Requires Ossn Version : 7.1
Latest Version:
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