Password change security Download 1.1

This component/theme works with latest OSSN version.
Indonesian Arsalan Shah 3 years ago

Ask user to enter old password before changing the current password.

enter image description here

German Dominik L Replied 1 year ago

the "old password" is only showing when entering something into "password" but you need to enter the old password, then try to change the language for example

shouldn't I be able to change the language without entering my "old password" which is not even showing?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

Works fine check browser console log seems JS issue on your site.

enter image description here

German Dominik L Replied 1 year ago

Not working with newest ossn.

on the profile page is only one password field and when try to change anything, it tells me, that the password is not matching

I tried to change the language, then I enter my password and it tells me the password isn't matching

there is only one password field

enter image description here

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

Works fine for me, Please see your browser console for errors.

German Dieter Baier Replied 2 years ago

Don't know what's wrong. But I did not have to enter my old password when I tried to change the password. OSSN-Version: 6.1

Spanish Juan Bogdan Replied 3 years ago

works like a charm. Thanks bro


Developer: Arsalan
License ossnv4
Type: Authentication
Requires Ossn Version : 5.6
Latest Version: 1.1
Last Updated 6 months ago
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