Customs CSS/JS Download 2.1

This component/theme works with latest OSSN version.
cl Erassus ︎ ︎ 2 years ago

Customs CSS/JS

Allows to add customs CSS styles or JS scripts in OSSN.

Fork from Homelancer Custom CSS/JS component by Geocadin RA.


  • Fixed issue parsing array when using PHP 8+
  • Fixed blue save button not appearing.
  • Cleanup unused sections of the old code.
  • Renamed sections to backend and frontend for better clarify.


CSS rules without the <style></style> tags. Example:

body {
color: #B0B3B8; }

Javascript codes without the <script></script> tags.

- Updated for OSSN 6.3 by $arsalanshah

Italian Alex Dark Replied 2 years ago

in my platform I can't find the component how do I load it

Catalan Brian Hinds Replied 2 years ago

Does this allow colour changes to the theme that's applied?


Developer: Erassus
License GPL v2
Type: Site admin
Requires Ossn Version : 6.1
Latest Version: 2.1
Last Updated 2 years ago
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