Public Wall Posts Download 1.0

Indonesian Arsalan Shah 2 years ago

Creates a wall posts list for public posts, at (when not loggedin)

Hungarian Tamás Varga Replied 1 year ago

Thank you very much. It only works if I share it like this: Not working:

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

You need to post again. Debug it here

Hungarian Tamás Varga Replied 1 year ago

Does it appear properly on Facebook? I still have a blank white image.
enter image description here

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

Working fine

enter image description here

Hungarian Tamás Varga Replied 1 year ago

Now this is what the end of the file looks like, and yet there is no preview image, although if I open the link, the image appears there.
echo '</div>';
<meta property="og:image" content=""/

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

On that post there are many images what image you wanted to add?
Simply edit view.php of this component and add at end

<meta property="og:image" content="https://path to image" />
Hungarian Tamás Varga Replied 1 year ago

I think an image is needed when the mydomain/wallposts post is published on Facebook.

us Allon Prooit Replied 1 year ago

Works great with OSSN 5.6 too! Many thanks Arsalan!

ma Melo lobo Replied 1 year ago

Hello Arslan I hope you are doing well.
I wonder if there is a possibility to improve this component so as to display the blogs also so that the public content will be richer. I also noticed a small Bug, when we add a new blog, there are an empty record {"post":"null:data"} which is inserted into the database and it creates an empty posts in the display of '/wallposts'. Have a good day

gb TalkToAi Online Replied 2 years ago

Thanks, amazing work as always!


Developer: Arsalan
License ossnv4
Type: Uncategorized
Requires Ossn Version : 6.6
Latest Version: 1.0
Last Updated 2 years ago
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