
Indonesian Arsalan Shah 1 year ago

This component adds a Bio tab to member profiles allowing to display some individually styled personal information like member's website, occupation, hobbies, images, whatever ...

You can get it here:

enter image description here

The component is created by Michael, Just posting here for a reference.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 5 months ago

Don't forget it meh

Simply signup to the website and wait for approval its free of cost component.

Catalan Dino SAADE Replied 5 months ago

Can't download, it says that i can download for free but of course i have to register with that site.. Forget it meh

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 5 months ago

I can not i don't wanted to get banned myself :)

Simply see his terms and contact him on email and explain why you violated the terms and ask for one more chance. Tell him truth and he will surely look into your message. Tell why its mistake or reason.

German Dominik L Replied 5 months ago


German Dominik L Replied 6 months ago

Can you please provide it here?

I violated the terms a few month ago and now I am not allowed to register on z-mans site anymore

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

@Heiko, you need to wait for him to look into your request. Please refer

@Dominik please see and contact on the email for details .

German Heiko Schulze Replied 1 year ago

Download is not possible because the admin has not approved my subscriber 🙃

German Heiko Schulze Replied 1 year ago

hello, how about description and marital status so that users can see whether you are single or not

German Dominik L Replied 1 year ago

My account still not got approved :(

German Dominik L Replied 1 year ago

I already asked him under one of his posts here a few months ago and my comment just got deleted


Developer: Arsalan
License GPL v2
Type: User admin
Requires Ossn Version : 6.6
Latest Version:
Last Updated
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