SuperImageSizeSaver Download 1.0f

ph TheDoggyBrad Software Lab 1 year ago

This component is for those wanting to only save storage on their servers and does not care much on quality but giving still a viewable image.

Note: Not making super reduction, only just the name of the component.

Minimum Requirement: Version 5.6
Tested up to: Version 7.0

ph TheDoggyBrad Software Lab Replied 1 year ago

Update: I will continue updating this component if ever, since I regained my self-trust.

ph TheDoggyBrad Software Lab Replied 1 year ago

I am stopping to develop any new and current projects online and that includes OSSN components.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 1 year ago

I still can't believe: You are able to reduce image sizes even 10% more than Arsalan!?! How exciting is that!

ph TheDoggyBrad Software Lab Replied 1 year ago

Latest Version of my former reply (Just ignore the early reply from me as it is now unlatest)

Differences and Similarities between ReduceImagesSize (forked component) and SuperImageSizeSaver (this component):

-Uses PHP
-Only Affects and Reduces the files after the component is enabled
-Uses OSSN License

-Compresses the image to 30% quality.
-Requires OSSN v.5.2
-Compresses the image to 20% quality.
-Requires OSSN v.5.6

ph TheDoggyBrad Software Lab Replied 1 year ago

I will change the license to the OSSN one. Sorry that I am not familar with the OSSN License (Proof that many "not saying all" does not read the license properly).

I already fixed the issue when my account has been suspended and updated the changes here. Now, I am back to fix everything.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

Removed as you can not change the license of the original component by just changing one line of the code from 30 to 20%
Besides that this component doesn't add anything just a edit of original component.

  • License change
  • No Difference

20 OR 30% it will not make much difference in image size.

I have no problem at all if you change credits to you. If you wish I can give credits to you for original component

You may re-upload the component after addressing above issues.


ph TheDoggyBrad Software Lab Replied 1 year ago

Info: This component reduces/compresses the image size from 100% (original size) to only 20%. This heavily reduces the file sizes of images uploaded, sacrificing majority of the quality.

Note: The effect of this component is that pictures uploaded after enabling this component will be the only one be compressed, the old ones will remain the same quality not it will be changed.


Developer: TheDoggyBrad
License ossnv4
Type: Photos and Images
Requires Ossn Version : Minimum Requirement:
Latest Version: 1.0f
Last Updated 1 year ago
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