Image Editor

Image Editor

Load the image into editor, make all your editions. Add an text in your post, if you want and then, send to the newsfeed. Or download directly from editor into your device to save or post in other place.

On Red Crested OSSN Sandbox it's possible to see the component in action. Use demouser as login and 123456789 as password.

Desktop Version

Desktop version

Mobile Version

Mobile version

Profile Editor

Desktop version

Story Editor

Desktop version


  • Short version of image editor on change profile picture and Stories*
  • Different layouts to desktop and mobile
  • Multi language user guide, in both versions (mobile and desktop)
  • Undo/Redo (With shortcut)
  • Crop
  • Flip
  • Rotation
  • Line drawing
  • Shape
  • Icons
  • Text
  • Resizing
  • Resizing with proportions (desktop only)
  • Image Filter (desktop only)
  • Mask Filter (desktop only)
  • Overlay image (desktop only)

*Stories is a component of the Premium Social Network by OpenTeknik. This component is not included in the Image Editor.

How to buy

I am selling this component for US$39.00 through the Buy me a coffee website. To purchase, visit or click on the button


The component was tested in free version of OSSN 6.4 and 7.0, in the GoBlue theme. Maybe some adjustments are required in older versions and/or other themes.


Send email to [email protected].


Go to Red Crested License to read the last version of our terms.

Dutch Eric redegeld Replied 1 month ago

Hi, greetings, great module only discovver that it changes the .gif to .jpg when uploading this in the user profile avatar.

Breton Rafael [] Replied 11 months ago

1.1 and 1.2 updates:

  • Added option to allow the user to edit the image before sending on the Stories component in the Premium Social Network by OpenTeknik. This component is not included in the Image Editor.
  • Added the short version of the image editor into the change profile image command. Crop and rotate are the tools available
Russian Space ... Replied 1 year ago

A good addition, I really li 💛

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

That is really nice Rafael ! (tested it) I love it that after editing you allowed to enter actual post text ❤️❤️❤️❤️ very nice addition.


Developer: Rafael
License select license
Type: Photos and Images
Requires Ossn Version : 6.4
Latest Version:
Last Updated
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