One-Click Friendship

Breton Rafael [] 12 months ago

One-Click Friendship for OpenSource-SocialNetwork

Display a button on the news feed to allow the user to add another user as a friend directly from the timeline. After the user send the friend request, it's possible to cancel the request directly. If the users are friends, the button showed allow them to remove the friendship. These last two buttons can be disabled by editing the params.php file. Also, on this file, it's possible to customize the icons or show buttons instead.

On Red Crested OSSN Sandbox it's possible to see the component in action. Use demouser as login and 123456789 as password.

Icon mode

How to buy

I am selling this component for US$15.00 through the Buy me a coffee website. To purchase, visit or click on the button


The component was tested in the free version of OSSN 6.1, 6.4 and 7.0, in the GoBlue theme. Maybe some adjustments are required in older versions and/or other themes.


  • 1.0

    • Initial version


Send an email to [email protected].


Go to Red Crested License to read the last version of our terms.



Developer: Rafael
License select license
Type: Uncategorized
Requires Ossn Version : 6.1
Latest Version:
Last Updated
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