Restrict Disable Birthdate Change Download 1.0

This component/theme works with latest OSSN version.
Indonesian Arsalan Shah 7 months ago

Disable the change of birthdate for users. Admins can change birthdate in admin panel.

German Dominik L Replied 1 week ago

Oh yeah, sorry!

I investigated it with an android phone and found out, that the cookie banner component is the one which causes the error

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 week ago

Works fine for me also looking at the code it doesn't do anything on signup form or a global JS files. Remove birthdate only initiated on profile edit form. No where else is initiated.

German Dominik L Replied 1 week ago

I found another bug:

some android users are reporting, that they can't open the birthday field on signup form - when I disable the component, it works

German Dominik L Replied 3 months ago

I found a bug - ossn 7.5

If you clicked on the birthday field on signup and accidentally closed it, you can not open it up again, you've to reload the site

German Dominik L Replied 7 months ago


I will test it :)


Developer: Arsalan
License GPL v2
Type: User admin
Requires Ossn Version : 7.0
Latest Version: 1.0
Last Updated 7 months ago
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