Live Chat with live stream

Joel Sullivan Posted in General Discussion 3 years ago

I have a live stream which is embedded onto a page, which work fine no issues there. But I want to add like a live chat so people can talk. Does anyone have an idea on what I could use??

Was thinking of running like a JS or PHP service which would do this, but don't know of any.


us Jeff shockley Replied 3 years ago

Check out blab chat. you can probably chat with the man that makes it and it could be integrated so it would link to the your members names . May be something Arsalan Shah would have to do to get it worked out. here is the link

au Joel Sullivan Replied 3 years ago

So I've got a work around for the meantime. What I did I created a rocketchat server and made an iframe (embedded) with that chat inside. This works amazingly! If you are on Tablet or PC....Mobile not so much
I didn't use a blog, I used a custom page

Have a look

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 years ago

We are working on it something like that but the problem for these RTMP streams are you can not broadcast using a standard webcam and a browser you need a special software to broadcast and many users don't know about it. We are trying to create a live streaming using a normal webcam and a browser.

au Joel Sullivan Replied 3 years ago


I use it's free and runs on the blockchain network.
I did a test with 3 devices and had no issues.
for the Live feed, I haven't had a chance to get back around to testing that.

When you hit start you get given details like the below:

**RTMP Server: rtmp://
Stream Key: LrAjShRC?pwd=2f4dbe
Play URL:**

These details will change every time.

I just embedded the video url in my blog and it works.

Let me know if you need a hand

in Balamurali Govindan Replied 3 years ago

Hi Joel,

I also wanted to add livestreaming. Please let me know which live streaming service works well and how did you do this with the blog for live chat. Help me out!.

Thank You.

Bala Govindan.

au Joel Sullivan Replied 3 years ago

Just an update guys, just came up with an idea. Use blogs create a page and insert the stream link into the blog as embedded. Then you would have the chat for the blog below it.

Turkish Arif duran Replied 3 years ago

Try to run it like PHP service then it happens