Componet installer not working

Colby Jenkins Posted in Technical Support 2 years ago

My component installer is not working or I have done something wrong. Nothing happens when I click on it except a screen refresh. The theme installer works fine.

A long time ago this advice was stated by M

> Jump to YOURSITE/administrator/settings/basic switch Error Reporting
> to ON and save Try to upload any component provide the file named
> error_log located in your Ossn installation directory

I followed that advice. There is no error log created in that directory. The permissions on the installation directory are 775

us Colby Jenkins Replied 2 years ago

I appreciate all of your help. I did the painless upgrade and all is fine. Everything works just fine.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

[B] Fix for wrong component installer link #2209 its fixed in OSSN 6.6 you should use OSSN 6.6

us Colby Jenkins Replied 2 years ago

It was according to the release notes. I will simply try upgrading.

Thank you.

Breton Rafael [] Replied 2 years ago

I think this issue was fixed in 6.6 version.

us Colby Jenkins Replied 2 years ago

Should I do a report?

I am willing to do all those steps but, I have not yet done all the steps listed in part B of but I think have identified the problem. I really hate to go through all that if this is a simple fix. I also hate to submit a bug request for an open source script if I can fix the problem.

Using Version 6.5 as a test site only before creating the real site. On a VPS using DirectAdmin control panel and https.

I think the link contained in the JS file is wrong or the mod-rewrtie is messing up for these reasons:

In the admin panel dashboard when hovering over the themes section the indicated address is site/admin/theme_installer and after clicking the page title is Theme Installer: Site

In the admin panel dashboard when hovering over the component section the indicated addresses are site/admin/components for both components and installer. When clicking on either the page title changes to Components: Site

I have verified that site/actions/admin/component contains the files com_install, delete, disable, and enable. The permissions for component is 775 and the files are all 664 , the same as the the themes section which works fine.

us Colby Jenkins Replied 2 years ago

I copied the info from that page and will do that.