How do I move the Search function from the top bar to the left menu?

Allon Prooit Posted in Performance and Scalability 2 years ago

Due to issues with the Search bar not showing correctly on mobile devices, I would like to remove it from the top bar and place it into the left hand menu. I would like to place it at the top of the menu. What I need to know specifically... how to remove it entirely from the top bar. Also, how to place it in the left menu at the top. Any thoughts?

us Allon Prooit Replied 2 years ago
us Allon Prooit Replied 2 years ago

Ok, so instead of stripping the search function out of the topbar, I left it for desktop users. I did change the default.css file under my theme to hide the search button and field for mobile users. Also, I created a small component to make a search page that has a menu item under links. It doesn't work right just yet. Not sure what the issue is. I put it up on GitHub for anyone to try out and hopefully help me get it working... Find it here at Help me get it to work if you will!

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

Remove it from your theme topbar file and place it in file where you wish to have search bar. You may find appropriate files by