SMTP Plugin issues with sending emails.

jake pavek Posted in Technical Support 1 year ago

Hello I have the SMTP plugin and installed correctly

enter image description here

I am still not receiving any emails tho after registering a new account

Does anyone know why this may be?

Dutch Eric redegeld Replied 2 months ago

Hi, see lot of smtp isseus and choose this to respond.

As for now the only one working is smtp2go with help domain hoster we can get this working with my own domain smtp credebtials. All dns setting from my VPS to domain hosting are checked SPV etc. I/we think it get stuck on the 587 and 465 port. smtp2go works with 2525
Does anyone got an working example with there own domain. php sendmail is not working with gmail. They keep stopping al outgoing email to @gmail while all dns settings are good and green with external testing.
So dillemma with no cost owned domain or paying witg smtp2go i prever the first on

us George Wied Moron Idiot Replied 1 year ago

Or you could use an external SMTP server to test if it's a problem with your local/ISP smtp server or something else. has a free plan for sending up to 1k mails/month

also maybe check your spam folder? has reports so you can check if the email actually went out or if something went wrong in the process of connecting/sending.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

What is your website? so we can test a test account.

us Jake pavek Replied 1 year ago

It's already enabled.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

Ask your hosting provider to enable SMTP relay on your account. It is disabled by most of providers.