Loss of TinyMCE editor in Bio component

Allon Prooit Posted in Component Development 1 year ago

I got it to work perfectly for a while after making some updates to which version of TinyMCE and HTMLPurifier one can use for the Custom Profile Bio component. Now, it only let's me use the ossn-editor to make changes to the Custom Profile Bio. Does anyone have any suggestions? Needing my TinyMCE editor back!

us Allon Prooit Replied 1 year ago

Yes. I took Michael's updated bio component, when it was available and made the changes to keep it current. It worked right at first. Everything was perfect. Then, something happened and I lost the TinyMCE editor after reinstalling the component that Michael suggested I publish. Now, it's reverted back to the ossn-editor with no reference to the TinyMCE editor at all. Must of been a slight coding error. Any thoughts?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

You mean it was working and now its not?

Maybe George Wired have some suggestions 😆😆😆😆