Website Help site not showing

Ralph Pearcy Posted in Theme Development 1 year ago

I unloaded a theme and the them was deleted and i can access my website to change how can i go and change them them so my website will show up again


Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

I can see your website is working fine now.

us Ralph Pearcy Replied 1 year ago

I tryed that and it is not working

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

Go to phpmyadmin -> ossn_site_settings table, find theme and change value to white , then change value for cache to 0

us Ralph Pearcy Replied 1 year ago

I seen that..I though i uploaded a diffrent one but i guess it was that one

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

One last question before I look into the solution didn't you read big red warning on top of theme page?

enter image description here

us Ralph Pearcy Replied 1 year ago

3Ncircle Back theme i neet to change it back to a premium theme that i have

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

Which theme you installed that caused error?