Integrate adblock detector in website

Dominik L Posted in Component Development 1 year ago

Can somepne help me integrate into my login-page?

Should be shown only when not logged in.

Sadly, AdBlock plugins in browser are blocking my push notifications service, so I want to use this AdBlock detector, it has an option to disable AdBlock OR just continue without using the push notifications.

The code is complete, just needs to be implemented if user is not logged in.

Code is too long for ossn website, so i share it here:

us Ruby Smith Replied 7 months ago

The general approach for integrating an AdBlock detector would involve adding a script to your login page that checks for the presence of AdBlock. If AdBlock is detected, you can then display a message to the user asking them to disable it or continue without push notifications.
geometry dash lite is also very rhythmic, with the music syncing up with the obstacles and gameplay. This makes it even more challenging and addictive.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

Then code is not working there is nothing we can do about it dear.

German Dominik L Replied 1 year ago

yeah i tried, it's not working

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

You need to copy a inner part without <script> and </script> tags

German Dominik L Replied 1 year ago

Yes, i tried. Not working

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

Did you tried to insert this in your custom js?