Unexplainable OSSN system crash

Allon Prooit Posted in Technical Support 12 months ago

I have suffered an unexplainable network crash. It's been like this for over a month now. Here's the last error log entry.

[07-Aug-2023 22:31:29 UTC] [#1691447489|CFE7880E303303676E19C3E12BAC9927] ParseError: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/ncirclec/public_html/N37WORK/classes/OssnSystem.php(42) : eval()'d code:1
Stack trace:

0 /home/ncirclec/public_html/N37WORK/classes/OssnKernel.php(38): OssnSystem->execPCI('declined')

1 /home/ncirclec/public_html/N37WORK/classes/OssnKernel.php(357): OssnKernel->trigger('processor', Array)

2 /home/ncirclec/publichtml/N37WORK/components/Kernel/ossncom.php(114): OssnKernel::setINIT()

3 /home/ncirclec/publichtml/N37WORK/libraries/ossn.lib.system.php(258): ossnkernel_trigger('components', 'after:load', Array)

4 /home/ncirclec/publichtml/N37WORK/classes/OssnComponents.php(232): ossntrigger_callback('components', 'after:load', Array)

5 /home/ncirclec/public_html/N37WORK/libraries/ossn.lib.components.php(69): OssnComponents->loadComs()

6 /home/ncirclec/publichtml/N37WORK/system/start.php(38): includeonce('/home/ncirclec/...')

7 /home/ncirclec/publichtml/N37WORK/index.php(12): requireonce('/home/ncirclec/...')

8 {main}

Anyone having this issue? Can anyone help? Would be willing to pay for help.

us Allon Prooit Replied 11 months ago

Just finished reinstalling the old network files, and the data file. Going to contact openteknik and see what they can do as far as an upgqrde is concerned. Thanks for wondering.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 11 months ago

Any answer here please?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 12 months ago

Further in newer versions these files /classes/OssnKernel.php and OssnSystem.php doesn't exists

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 12 months ago

The problem is simple you are using old version this is not longer supported and maybe getting error due to your PHP version being updated by provider. You also reported the issue on https://www.openteknik.com/ticket/view/EDCAA8231685310430 mentioned that you are using latest version but i answered your concern , you never replied. So in order to investigate please reply to your ticket (Last time I answered was on May 30)