See the stories on the top of the news

yanick beaulieu Posted in Component Development 5 months ago

Hello, is it possible to make the stories widget end up on top of the news wall please

Catalan Yanick beaulieu Replied 5 months ago

Its function a big thank you

us FMS Reviews Replied 5 months ago

Find this file: /yourInstallDirectory/components/Stories/plugins/default/stories/head.php and make a backup. Then edit and replace .insertAfter with .insertBefore should do the trick.

Catalan Yanick beaulieu Replied 5 months ago

Can I have help to know how to do it without destroying the already existing code please

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 5 months ago

Honestly, I'm always wondering about these "Is it possible?" questions when it comes to website layout. I mean, the world wide web proves best by millions of different websites that EVERYTHING is possible. It's up to you (your HTML) where exactly what will appear, be it by coding the structure from scratch or later inserting elements into an already existing structure or re-arranging parts of that structure.