In previous documentation we covered how to create your own action for your form.

[Creating new form action for your component.]( "Creating new form action for your component.")

In this we will cover how to create your own simple form using OSSN simple layout and form function. We will use component `HelloWorld`

To create a form you need to use `ossn_view_form(name of form, parameters);`

$form = ossn_view_form('helloworld/simple_form', array(
'action' => ossn_site_url() . 'action/helloworld/simple/form',
'class' => 'my-custom-form-class',
'id' => 'my-form-id',

Name of form : `helloworld/simple_form`
Form path : `components/HelloWorld/plugins/default/forms/helloworld/simple_form.php`

Now lets put the form in the actual page we created using `ossn_register_page` after adding into your component init function it becomes like :

ossn_register_callback('ossn', 'init', function () {
ossn_register_action('helloworld/simple/form', ossn_route()->com . 'HelloWorld/actions/simple-form.php');
ossn_register_page('hello_ossn_layout', function ($sub_pages) {
//$subpage1 = $subpage[0]; //{sub1}
//$subpage2 = $subpage[1]; //{sub1}/{sub2}

$title = 'Page Title';
$form = ossn_view_form('helloworld/simple_form', array(
'action' => ossn_site_url() . 'action/helloworld/simple/form',
'class' => 'my-custom-form-class',
$content = ossn_set_page_layout('contents', array(
'content' => $form,
'title' => $title,
echo ossn_view_page($title, $content);


It creates new page and form at Creating new page and form at


HelloWorld Component -

Creating new simple end user form