Games Download 2.0

This component/theme doesn't work with the latest OSSN version.
in sathish kumar 9 years ago

OSSN Games :

This plugin will integrate the come2play game portal to your ossn site you can play games from you site and you can attract more people to stay on you site.

Install the component and click on the menu link

Sathish Kumar S

mx Lidia espinal hernandez Replied 4 years ago

Do they have to sign in through Facebook thought?

us Allon Prooit Replied 4 years ago

Works with OSSN 5.0 ... also if you change the code in games.php to <iframe src="" style="width:760px;height:480px"></iframe> it gives you a nice chess game instead. Works in my mobile app too.

us Greg King Replied 4 years ago

Doesn't work on the latest 5.2 version so it should either be updated or removed.

Catalan Chris Aug Replied 5 years ago

Hi i really like your idea on this component, So i was wondering if you can update it to work with the latest version

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 6 years ago

Not working on https driven Ossn communities. (URL inside iframe
returns Server Error 500) and no support for mobile devices

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

It works with 4.x

in Sathish kumar Replied 9 years ago

I dont have time to update it , soon i will update it

in Sathish kumar Replied 9 years ago

Thanks Ahmad zakaria

Indonesian Ahmad Zakaria Replied 9 years ago

I've tried, and succeeded thanks @sathish kumar

Portuguese Angelo Martins Replied 9 years ago

this component is not working have to date or be retained there and already now when they make ctualização could Menter you an importer of contacts to imprtarmos contacts of all social networks and even of e-mail accounts and then send them to me an invitation to the same contacts to invite them to come up also in our Social Network


Developer: sathish
License GPL v2
Type: Third Party integrations
Requires Ossn Version : 4.x
Latest Version: 2.0
Last Updated 9 years ago
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