Darkmode Switcher

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] 1 year ago

Darkmode Swicher

Give your users the convenience of switching to dark mode with just one click! The dark mode component integrates seamlessly with Awesome and GoBlue themes, adding a stylish switch to the top-right dropdown menu.

If you need to add some selector in your CSS file, duplicate your selector and add [data-theme="dark"] before the name of selector. Here an example:

Light mode

body {
    background-color: #ffffff; 

Dark mode

[data-theme="dark"] body {
     background-color: #eaeaea; 

Awesome theme

GoBlue theme (beta)

On Red Crested OSSN Sandbox it's possible to see the component in action. Use demouser as login and 123456789 as password.


The component was tested in OSSN from 6.4 to 7.2 versions using Awesome and GoBlue themes. Older versions or different components may require adjustments.


  • 1.7

    • Added support to themes of OSSN 7.5
    • Minimum requirement for this component is 7.0
  • 1.6

    • Added support to themes of OSSN 7.2
  • 1.5.2

    • Fixed issues on user profile, wall and messages layout
    • Added support to OssnSmilies and OssnPostBackground in Awesome theme
  • 1.4

    • Fixed issue on wall in Awesome theme
  • 1.3

    • Fixed issue on privacy box in Awesome theme.
    • Fixed issues on notification in Awesome theme.
  • 1.2

    • Fixed issue on text in comment box in Awesome theme.
  • 1.1

    • Fixed small issues on colors of GoBlue theme
    • Improved documentation
  • 1.0

    • Initial version

How to buy

I am selling this component for US$29.00 through the Buy me a coffee website. To purchase, visit https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redcrested/e/122267 or click on the button


Send email to [email protected].


Go to Red Crested License to read the last version of our terms.

This component use the Dark Mode Switch under MIT license.

German Dominik L Replied 3 months ago

I tested with Awesome version 8.0 (newest version) and it is not working

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] Replied 3 months ago

New version released right now. Tested on OSSN 7.5 premium version. Soon I'll test on 7.6

Version 7.7 of Awesome Theme is working, Version 7.9 isn't, I just keep 7.7 for the moment

I fixed the Awesome errors. Let me know if doesn't work.

German Dominik L Replied 4 months ago

Version 7.7 of Awesome Theme is working, Version 7.9 isn't, I just keep 7.7 for the moment

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 months ago

7.2 and 7.3/7.5 have no breaking changes. Maybe issue with your site. But ony Rafael can confirm

German Dominik L Replied 4 months ago

Maybe try restoring a previous version of your theme, that could work -> it worked for me and darkmode is working again using the previous version

German Dominik L Replied 4 months ago

If you use Darkmode, don't update to 7.5 of OSSN, it's not working with darkmode!!!

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] Replied 8 months ago


The last version works on the last version of OSSN

Bulgarian Ivailo Mladenov Replied 8 months ago

is this commponen work with latest version?

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] Replied 8 months ago

The problem was fixed in version 1.6

German Dominik L Replied 9 months ago

hello, not working on ossn 7.2 with awesome theme :(


Developer: Rafael
License select license
Type: Themes
Requires Ossn Version : 7.0
Latest Version:
Last Updated
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