Add location field to profile Download 1.0

German Dominik L 2 months ago

This component adds a field on Signup form and profile page to enter the location, after adding a location, it is shown on About Page

Can someone maybe help me to add search function? So you can search for the location field?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 months ago

Just telling you how you can search user by a location you need to figure out the other end

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 months ago

Just telling you how you can search user by a location you need to figure out the other end

German Dominik L Replied 2 months ago

Am I just adding this into ossn_com.php?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 months ago


    $users         = new OssnUser()
    $list = $users->searchUsers(array(
                'entities_pairs' => array(
                            'name'   => 'location',
                            'value'  => 'your location',


German Dominik L Replied 2 months ago

How can I add the location to the search page? so you can search for locations?


Developer: Dominik
License GPL v2
Type: User admin
Requires Ossn Version : 7.4
Latest Version: 1.0
Last Updated 2 months ago
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