Signup Fields Download 5.0

This component/theme works with latest OSSN version.
Indonesian Arsalan Shah 9 years ago

Signup Fields

is an example component that creates a custom field called 'mobile number' inside the signup form of your site and on the member's account settings page.

In case you need more fields and more privacy/appearance options the Premium Custom User Fields component is the right choice.

V 5.0

  • adds compatibility with the Custom User Fields component
  • from your admin panel you may turn on/off the visibility of the mobile number on the Premium's component 'About' page now.
mx Guillermo Esquivel Replied 8 years ago

There is a problem, the data typed in that field, was not saved in the DB.

mx Guillermo Esquivel Replied 8 years ago

Hi! i need to create an extra field in the database? or where dis data is saved?

pk Saad rehman Replied 8 years ago

i have done. thanks bro how to add more then 1 field. ?????

pk Saad rehman Replied 8 years ago

hey Arsalan Shah, i need some help. i install and update all its show and work properly.
but not add in database where it show. how to find user mobile numbers information.


Afrikaans Claudio Torbinio Replied 8 years ago

IT lang script

* Open Source Social Network
* @packageOpen Source Social Network
* @author Open Social Website Core Team <[email protected]>
* @license General Public Licence
* @link
$it = array(
'signupfields:mobile' => 'Numero di telefono',
ossn_register_languages('it', $it);

ve David Prieto Replied 8 years ago

Great job Mr. Arsalan Shah , God bless you, I had trouble at first, the signupfields is great. For those who do not know much, must download the signupfields, and remember to activate it in the menu of components, then if you want to see the fields as edit, they should add a field in the file system/plugin/default/forms/admin/user/edit.php remember to add it after the genre.

ve David Prieto Replied 8 years ago

Si quieren agregar un "campo" para verlo como administrador, deben ir a system/plugin/default/forms/admin/user/edit.php ahi duplican una linea, la pegan y le ponen el nombre a su gusto.

si quieren agregar un "campo" para el registro, deben ir a system/plugin/default/forms/signup.php duplican una linea y la pegan, y le ponen el nombre que quieran

Tambien deben ir a actión/administrator/user/register.php y hacer las modificaciones

Luego deben abrir el PHPMyAdmin y hacer un "campo" en modulo user, lo intente pero no logro que aparescan los datos ::::(

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

@Jeremy, we'll try to create it sooner.

us Jeremy Monroe Replied 8 years ago

What is the status of this component? Are admins able to create fields from backend? Are the fields showing up on the profile so users can change their details?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 9 years ago

@David i have plan to do it like elgg profile manager plugin.


Developer: Arsalan
License ossnv3
Type: User admin
Requires Ossn Version : 5.0
Latest Version: 5.0
Last Updated 5 years ago
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