Facebook Theme not working, some buttons are 0, some redirect to 404.

Nikola Petkovic Posted in Theme Development 8 years ago

I downloaded the Facebook theme for OSSN 3.x, and i am using OSSN 3.9, and it doesn't work https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/component/view/908/facebook-theme-3-0
basically some numbers become 0 and most buttons don't even work and redirect to 404 and most buttons don't even appear.
Any help? Thanks.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 8 years ago

As Eric already wrote:

Please, report your problems to Vilmos Molnár (the deloper of the theme) directly on

Thank you.

Breton Jackson S. Replied 8 years ago

> Hi. I downloaded the Facebook theme for OSSN 3.x, and i am using OSSN
> 3.9, and it doesn't work https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/component/view/908/facebook-theme-3-0
> basically some numbers become 0 and most buttons don't even work and
> redirect to 404 and most buttons don't even appear. Any help? Thanks.

Download an Previous release of the theme. it's not work on this version.

French Eric F. Replied 8 years ago

Hi Nikola,

It's better to ask directly your question where you download the theme. May be the theme dev can answer to to you.
This theme is 3 months old and need to be update.
