Self hosted CDN server and Amozon s3 for better performance

Aniket Kumar Posted in Performance and Scalability 8 years ago

Hello !
Social Networking website takes lots of bandwidth.
so it important to create self hosted cdn or amazon s3 server for ossn platform.
also Reduce http request by compressing and combining all css in one file and js in another file
for better performance.

ossn is one of the best social network platform.
but this feature is important for every social network script .
so please develop in next update.
1. self hosted cdn and amazon s3.
2. compressed assets for reducing no. of http request or faster perfotmance.
3. friend suggestion.
4. most important fan page feature.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

Please make sure your cache is enabled in site basic settings and make sure you are not on shared hosting.