Incorporating privacy settings into user Account Settings

Kevin Ngo Posted in Component Development 8 years ago

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to incorporate a privacy setting. I noticed that I can access any user's profile and look at their images, friends, and wall posts. So I want to implement a setting that restricts outside users and non-friends from accessing these content, a feature similar to Facebook. Would this be possible to do? How hard would it be? Do I need to create a component?

French Eric F. Replied 8 years ago


Look at this component:

us G Kroschel Replied 8 years ago

i noticed something too, albeit maybe a little different. but if not even logged in, i can view another ossn user's website, by simply by-passing the login screen; ie; rather just type in{username} ( would display the admins page/photos/friends, although one is not able to post into it, it is still a bit too "open". maybe a check of file permissions would resolve this.

as for being logged in, and accessing anothers "wall/timeline", i -think- it would require some programming to Block/Allow (cross-access), possibly using the home-user's guid, and maybe even there friends guid's? I see what your saying though.. I'll experiment with it and post something if i can figure out a better way sometime. Although i don't have many "friends" on my site yet, i have created a few for testing purposes. :) Cheers

good point/request though. imo.