Where caI define the required fields in the register form in the fronted?

Dimitris Kerestetzis Posted in Beginning Developers 8 years ago

Where can I define the required fields in the register form in the fronted?
I search into the files and folders but I cant find where is the code about required fields.

I add a text input in the registration form but I dont want to be require field.

gr Dimitris Kerestetzis Replied 8 years ago

I add a field in register form....by the name companyname....

<input type="text" id="companyname" name="comapnyname" />

This field appears in register form and everything is all good.....but I dont want this field(company name) is required!!!
I cant find the files to edit.
Thank you.

in Raendra kumbhar Replied 8 years ago

Can you just explain in details