Add new php file to post via ajax ossn_view_menu, ossn_is_hook and ossn_call_hook

Dimitris Kerestetzis Posted in Beginning Developers 8 years ago


I want to make a ajax script inside Ossnwall component. I need to make a ajax request to a new file which called post.php but inside code run the ossnviewmenu, ossnishook and ossncallhook from the library system.
How can I include the lib.system inside this ajax request to get the right results?

Thank you

gr Dimitris Kerestetzis Replied 8 years ago

Thank Arsalan you for your answer :)
but which is the best way to run these functions(ossnviewmenu, ossnishook ,ossncallhook) in a ajax reuest?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

You can't included library system inside ajax requests , please see OssnWall complete code.