Changing opening image

AJ Janssen Posted in Beginning Developers 9 years ago

what is the size of the opening image, I know how to change it but what I uploaded is way bigger.

us David Aguilar Replied 8 years ago

Steve, I got 560 x 369 keeping aspect

us David Aguilar Replied 8 years ago

Thank you :)

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

The background image can be changed from themes/goblue/images if you wanted to change to gif you need to change also the css files in /themes/goblue/plugins/default/css/

us David Aguilar Replied 8 years ago

Do you happen to know where to change the background jpeg to a gif : not where it is? but where to change the pointer to background.gif ?

us Steve Elkins Replied 9 years ago

The width is 556 and the height is 198 pixels.