Ossn Invite make friends

filipe medeiros Posted in Component Development 4 years ago

Is there any way to make the ossn invite, when making the invitation already make the guest be a friend of the one who invited?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

I believe there is a way for that, it requires to edit the existing inviting feature.

  1. When the invitation link is sent include, the id for the user who sent the request
  2. When user visit the website through URL which also includes ID of user, a custom component can play role or any way you prefer here, store that ID into some session or any other thing.
  3. You need a callback when user is added to system , which will give you a id for the newly created user, Once you have ID for both users simply make them friends using add friend functions....

I will try to create such a component but not now.