WebRTC integration With OSSN

Steven Legg Posted in Component Development 3 years ago

Has anyone tried to integrate Webrtc into OSSN? I am contemplating building a chat plugin to replace the current component that includes webrtc since I do not use the Google Hangout component. I don’t want to reinvent the wheel though.

gb Kevin B Replied 3 years ago

Hi there

I haven't seen anything on the open-source side, but I think they are experimenting over at Soft24 with sockets as they are trialling video calls? Could be wrong though. (plus i've only been here 3 weeks!)

I'm working on a new WebChat component, and will be using Pusher for subscriptions, but not sure if they support WebRTC (it could actually be based on WebRTC for all I know!?). If you could figure out and publish a component that does WebRTC i'd be very interested to see it :D I don't know much about it, but isn't it peer-to-peer? So you can perform 1-to-1 audio / video calls over Web Sockets?
