Change position Tenslate

Andrea Ted Posted in Component Development 2 years ago

Hello everyone!
I'm using the translate component on my site, which uses basic graphics. I found the css that defines the style, but I can't figure out how to change the position. I tried to change the height and position via the css found in LanguageSwitch / plugins / default / css / langswitch.php, but leaving the site and then landing on the login page the button inherits the position, which turns out to be wrong , because it is displayed in the middle of the page. I can not understand how to solve, in practice I would like to have for different pages, different positions of the translator button.
Thank you

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 2 years ago

Language Selector is a premium component, and (from every thing that I have been told) cannot be supported in the Community Site. That said, if I owned the component, I could look to see what would need to be changed... and offer to do it for you. (I'd have to check with OpenTekNik to get the particulars on how to go about doing work on premium components for others.)

So, on this one I would say Ask OpenTekNik directly and see if they can help you out. Good Luck!