Can we have a components whereby admin can use to contact users?

Abayomi Oladipupo Posted in Component Development 9 years ago

I also think of asking my website users to add a profile photos, add an cover photos,
But I can't find any components that can be used to perform such an action, please we will need it.

Catalan Justyn rook Replied 9 years ago

I will work on building this into a component
should be pretty easy
even with my limited knowledge of this source code

Catalan Justyn rook Replied 9 years ago

I know what you are trying to do,
I was going to implement it with something like this

If user has no photo

If user is on their own profile and no photo is found
do this:

$nophoto = ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print("Please update your profile photo, Thank you"), "success"); 

when user goes to timeline

 echo $nophoto; 

let me know if you know where to implement it


ng Abayomi Oladipupo Replied 9 years ago

Yes, There is a component to upload a profile or cover photos, but am talking about how to send a notification message to site users that failed to upload profile photo and profile cover photos

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 9 years ago

There is already a way to upload a photos and profile cover.