You can override any site settings through out the site. Forexample without actually chaning the value of settings in database. You wanted to change the settings called `langauge` you can use this hook. The usecase is site langauge set to `en` and user language set to `de` but the system looking for `langauge` key.

function my_component_init(){
ossn_add_hook('load:settings', 'language', 'ossn_site_user_lang_code');
function ossn_site_user_lang_code($hook, $type, $lang, $params) {
if(ossn_isLoggedin()) {
$user = ossn_loggedin_user();
if(isset($user->language)) {
$lang = $user->language;
return $lang;
ossn_register_callback('ossn', 'init', 'my_component_init');

Site settings override