Here are some features I would really appreciate...

Curt Guldenschuh Posted in Component Development 9 years ago

These are a few features I would appreciate seeing in the upcoming versions. I would like the comment system to have features like facebook and, edit, turn notifications on or off for that thread, etc. I would also like to have a file manager so that files can be exchanged between members. I will be taking on some work doing editing and proofreading and this would be great to be able to tranfer docs through a file manager rather than through email. Multiple image uploads in a thread would be nice. I know the mobile theme is being worked on so I'm eagerly awaiting that. Embeded links in the comments would be nice so that you can see a small preview of a website. I'm sure I'll probably have a couple more on my wish list but those are my hilited wishes for OSSN. This is a great system. Keep on keeping on!

us Curt Guldenschuh Replied 9 years ago

Thank you. I'll have to wait for 4 to see what gets added or not. The main thing I'm looking for is a more workable comment system.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 9 years ago

Hi there,

We'll surely provide some nice features in future release v4.0/

if you need custom component development you can contact our main team:
