Users - button on edit profile page for delete account themselfs

Wojtek Cesario Posted in Component Development 8 years ago


At the beginning I would like to say hello. It is a great project!
I'm trying to get to know its features from a few days, and writes (as I can) new futures. One of them is a button for deleting an account - for the users, located on the edit profile page.

I adapted a button from the admin panel, and this is a code:


 $timestamp = time();
 $token = ossn_generate_action_token($timestamp);
<a class="userdelete" href="https://www.mypage.coml/action/admin/delete/user?guid=<?php echo $user->guid; ?>&amp;ossn_ts=<?php echo $timestamp; ?>&amp;ossn_token=<?php echo $token;?>">DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT</a>

But it turns out that the user probably don't have permission to delete your account. As I log into as admin and modifies the link with firebug - guid to another user, then I can delete his account, so the link works, but I don't know how to adjust the permissions that a user can delete only himself.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.


Later I would like to add:

  • Page with public photos (with the highest number of likes divided for the day, week, month, year)

  • I added a few additional fields in the profile, including locations with automatic map from google and I would add filter searching for search people by location.

The columns in the database have already been added. Everything is working, saving, editing, etc. The last thing is create a filter for search user by location (table Users, column location for example)

Best regards,

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

In action file you need something like

if($user->guid == ossn_loggedin_user()->guid){
   //delete code