My social network does not load js files in https only http

douglas gomes Posted in Technical Support 8 years ago

my social network whenever I leave the https js files do not load :( and end up with bugs the social network : could help me solve this problem?

Breton Felipe Trote Replied 8 years ago

me desculpe, mas se fizesse uma refatoração de código, desse uma sugada, talvez melhoraria o desempenho, sugeriria também, que todas as paginas fossem carregadas me JS dinâmico, para que seja feita novas solicitações ao banco para carregamento de página, com a sugestão de conservar o head e o footer, alterando somente o body dinâmico.

I'm sorry, but if you do a refactoring code, this one sucked, may improve performance, would also suggest that all the pages were loaded me dynamic JS, to be made new requests to the bank for page loading, with the suggestion keep the head and footer, only changing the dynamic body.