Prenium cpanel allow_url_fopen error?

Malik Umer Farooq Posted in Technical Support 7 years ago

Sir I want to install script here is link
It's show error PHP allowurlfopen is required
In my php.ini file allowurlfopen is on

pk Malik Umer Farooq Replied 7 years ago

Ok I know !

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 7 years ago

If OSSN shows errors during installation you are not supposed to edit and file to remove that error, thus it seems you edited core files, we won't able to help you if you edit core files and ran into issues.

pk Malik Umer Farooq Replied 7 years ago

What you means i am not understand

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 7 years ago


that's like removing the fuel display from your car's console in hope you could drive endlessly that way.

pk Malik Umer Farooq Replied 7 years ago

i will host """;" here he provide free cloud hosting with premium cpanel
when i ask our hosting provider it ask me .
Due to security-related reasons, this is not a value we can authorize to be opened on the server. Opening this option would violate the account's term of service.

and my problem is solved
i am edit the following files
remove thepublic static function allowUrlFopen() { return ini_get("allow_url_fopen"); }
and edit the following file
remove the following if(OssnInstallation::allowUrlFopen()){ echo "<div class="ossn-installation-message ossn-installation-success">".ossn_installation_print("ossn:install:allowfopenurl")."</div>"; } else { echo "<div class="ossn-installation-message ossn-installation-fail">".ossn_installation_print("ossn:install:allowfopenurl:error")."</div>"; $error[] = "allowfopenurl:error"; }
it work fine

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 7 years ago

Hi please let us know how do you mean prenium cpanel? are you using free cpanel service?

To change allow_url_fopen contact your hosting provider.