Bug with membership

No one really Posted in Performance and Scalability 9 years ago

If you install the auto validate component, and you allow members to join like that, then you turn it off and the member logs out, you can not re-log that member back in.

You had to turn off auto validate component and then delete and then re create that user's profile.

Thought I would put this here before a whole buncha members joined somewhere then everything went nuts.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 9 years ago

I know enough cases where people complained about a bad internet connection. And in the end it turned out: a virus was slowing down their machine.

You reported a "bug" which is unreproducible without further assistance from your side. And I was just trying to give you a hint on how to track down what's happening.

Nobody is expecting us to fix anything ourselves, but what we can do is to provide at least some useful information about our environment. Otherwise it's likely we'll end up in a not very helpful "It's working" - "No, it's not working" discussion.

us No one really Replied 9 years ago

I didn't report the problem to fix it on user's end, I did report the problem so they could fix it, so future versions would not carry the bug. I thought this was the point of bug reporting.
If they fix it, we won't have to worry about reporting anything. If they don't fix it, then we are reporting it here, without a proper fix.

If there was more of a manual for OSSN, regarding php and stuff, we may not even have to report these items.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 9 years ago

From what I can see in the code,

the auto-validate component interferes with Ossn exactly 1 time: during registration.
- it prevents sending an email to the user
- it changes the user's database record to set his state to validated

That's all. And if a user once IS validated - and that means able to login, he will stay validaded. The whole system has not a line of code to invalidate a user some time later.

In other words: The problem you reported must have a totally different reason. I'd suggest to start your cpanels PHPMyAdmin tool and have a closer look at the Ossn database's table ossn_users. If the column named 'activation' is empty, the user must be able to login.