Lives on Social network like facebook

Douglas Simao Posted in General Discussion 6 years ago

Hi, I would like to know if there is any module I can install in the app to allow users to do lives like facebook?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 6 years ago

Last year i tried to make video calling using RTC but i left it as Bansh33 said, its a quite alot of work to do and requires a separate server that handles RTC requests.

us Rishi B Replied 6 years ago

I think this could be done using the RecordRTC package, which takes webcam/cell phone video directly from html5, but it would be quite a bit of work to get it integrated. This might get you started though:

gb Douglas Simao Replied 6 years ago

But then you need to invite each person to chat it right? Is there a way to make it available to everyone automatically?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 6 years ago

You can use google hangout module.