Adding TinyMCE to Blog Component but Im missing how to inject the JS

bryce alvord Posted in Component Development 5 years ago

I am working on adding the tinymce editor to the blog component. Im fairly certain I have everything correct to render the html created by the editor. My problem is that the editor does not seem to initialize as far as I can tell.

I have created this php file to handle the javascript


In this location I have the following code which was sourced from the admin path:

themesgobluepluginsdefault  hemepageadministrator.php


    toolbar: "bold italic underline alignleft aligncenter alignright bullist numlist image media link unlink emoticons autoresize fullscreen insertdatetime print spellchecker preview",
    selector: '.ossn-editor',
    plugins: "code image media link emoticons fullscreen insertdatetime print spellchecker preview",
    convert_urls: false,
    relative_urls: false,
    language: "<?php echo ossn_site_settings('language'); ?>",

In the add.php form I have added to the textarea element


And in my ossn_com.php I have this

ossn_extend_view('js/opensource.socialnetwork', 'js/blog');

So I feel like I have everything linked up and I have looked through the code for the administrator page but Im obviously missing something because it doesnt open the tinymce editor, it is just a standard text area. If someone could just help point me in the right direction for what i am missing that would be great. Thanks!


us Cody Jordan Replied 5 years ago

I’ve been wanting this. Let me know when you do this.

us Bryce alvord Replied 5 years ago

Awesome, thanks!!! Worked perfectly

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 5 years ago

TextareaSupport ( is your friend.

Free your component in work from all TinyMCE references, replace the &lt;textarea&gt; elements in add.php and edit.php by a plugin call as explained on the component's page, and you should be fine.

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