Welcome to OSSN Web Services (API) | Integrate OSSN into your application

Arsalan Shah Posted in Component Development 5 years ago


A set of 50 API endpoints for your OSSN website, which allows you to integrate OSSN into your or 3rd party applications.

Download OssnServices component After installing and enabling this component, while still in admin panel go to configure and generate the API key.

Download https://github.com/opensource-socialnetwork/OssnServices/archive/master.zip

Once installed and you have API KEY, use any of the method avaialble. https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/webservices/all

Extend the API with more features
Please see : https://github.com/opensource-socialnetwork/ExtendAPI

vn Omar Sharpe Replied 1 year ago

I've been waiting for a more redactle robust REST API since the first version came out, so thank you very much, Arsalan.

Italian Franco Spinella Replied 2 years ago

the most of api have parameter mandatory GUID, for example I want to see user profile api parameter require a user GUID where I can get this valueP. or is I want to see all message of one user the same it require user GUID but I dont see for example a call that show me the list of users with each guid. it should neee Api call like there is on admin page "list users" where I can see ID surname name and more. there is API that can do that?

us Rishi B Replied 5 years ago

this is awesome, thanks Arsalan, I've been waiting for a more complete REST API since the first version came out =)