Message forums

No one really Posted in Component Development 9 years ago

Will someone or will there be a way to add discussions to 3.0 soon? I would like for people in groups to have a message forum to chat on and not just the status feed.

us Roman Lohov Replied 4 years ago

Alex Daniel the whole point of creating an "Open Source Project" is for people who can't afford a paid stuff. By you creating a paid forum for Open Project, i don't think it will sell well. Because people who really need forum, will wait for a free version, or move to another platform that has one already.

Arsalan Shah, forum will be useful. People will have discussions that require long wait for replys, sticky threads etc. You can use forum as additional pages for a website. Terms and conditions, Rules etc. People will stop asking questions on how to create extra page, and add extra links. It will all be in the forum. Maybe you want to share a project with people that you cannot share on the wall. Booom, forum.

Indonesian Alex Daniel Replied 8 years ago

Hello There,

The forum component is available to our component store.

Existing premium users can get discount. If you have any other question contact us at :


us No one really Replied 9 years ago

That would be awesome @Syed ;)

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 9 years ago

Sure we'll create a components for group discussion. The idea :

  • Create a OssnObject for with owner guid => group guid
  • Enable OssnAnnotation for each discussion (OssnObject).