Search Bar Icon - next release

Philip Lozier Posted in General Discussion 4 years ago

Suggestion for the search bar for the next release:

I have had a few members send me messages asking why the searchbar doesn't work, (mostly mobile), and I have had to instruct them to use the enter key on their on screen keyboards.

The same as the paper plane icon that ~Z~ man has added to the comment section in his Green by Green theme, a magnifying glass icon in the right side of the search bar that sends a return code is sorely needed. I would hope I am looking forward to this in the next version release of OSSN :)



us Green Dragon Tavern Replied 3 years ago

Use your Green machine here, so bring it on! Look forward to update as I have already teased our community :-)

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

It will be part of the GbG, as there are too many dependencies in terms of anchoring and logic that a component could only fulfill with great effort. Programmatically fading out the original layout first and replacing it with a different one wouldn't make things any faster, by the way. ;)

us Green Dragon Tavern Replied 3 years ago

~Z~ Man, would this be an update to Green, or a new single component? Thanks again for all.

us Green Dragon Tavern Replied 3 years ago

Spot on, that works! Release that puppy :-) You have made a weak point a strength in're hired! Excellent work ~Z~ Man and appreciate the attention to detail.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

Okay, I managed to place that additional icon on the top bar. It's tested to work with older devices down to 320px of width. Result types appear in line. Depending on the string length 3 to 4 entries should be possible per line - further ones will float to the next line.
enter image description here

us Green Dragon Tavern Replied 3 years ago

Agree with your Drawback, although we have 7 to choose from, you're showing 2 on phone. Screen real estate since almost all use phone is critical, and based on Green theme, you get it.

You have an eloquent solution that should be THE OSSN search. A suggestion, if possible, put search icon on TopBar, there's room and it's one click from anywhere. Did notice TopBar only had Menu while searching, a restriction in OSSN?

You do really good work, excited about potential, and thank you.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

Possible, yes. Drawback: It would need an extra click to open that popup. Perhaps a simple inline layout would do ...
enter image description here

us Green Dragon Tavern Replied 3 years ago

~Z~ Man, very close indeed, excellent. Does RESULT TYPE have to be that option box format or can it be a simple drop down list to save space?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your suggestions, GreenTavern.
In fact, your idea can't be implemented 1:1 without touching the core search function, so I was trying a little different approach which comes close to yours.

  1. Since entering a search term in the main menu and getting the results on a different page is cumbersome on mobile devices anyway, I have replaced the field in the menu with a simple link leading to the result page which is initially empty.
    enter image description here
    So there's no more unecessary user table query in case you were intentionally searching for something different.
  2. Next, in order to make the new mechanism a little more transparent, there's a info icon that opens a tooltip...
    enter image description here
  3. As before, you may leave the field blank and get all results, or you enter a search term first and then click on people or groups and get the matching records
    enter image description here
  4. In opposite to the former logic, now your search term stays in place. So you may either enter some more characters and/or use the same query for groups or other result types
    enter image description here

  5. All in all you don't have to switch between menu and result page anymore - you'll stay on the same page all the time.

us Green Dragon Tavern Replied 3 years ago

~Z~ Man, you are definitely the go to here :-) Let me ask if this is even possible.

Main search: A simple combo box ie, a text box with an attached list box. Excellent for history (set a limit to display) of your search. The default is always real name or username, however you got it setup in OSSN. If you leave text box blank and search it takes you to result page but doesn't search for anything.

Search result page;
Should have a drop-down list box, it's static data, contains all that can be searched (Username, Real Name, Groups, Blogs, Online etc). Below that is the same simple combo box noted above. This gives you one stop shopping for searching OSSN, very flexible, smaller foot print and ability to stay in one place until desired result.