How to remove preloader? please!

julinlabs dsd Posted in General Discussion 2 years ago

my ossn takes a considerable time to completely load the pages, it ends up slowing down the use, I wanted to know from you how to remove the preloader to make the visual content of the site more practical and agile.

us Joey Champion Replied 2 years ago

Julinlabs, I know exactly what is wrong with your site...
Your website is 3.0 megs to load, of which, 2.2 megs are your background and logo images. You simply need to upload your background and logo images to this website... and compress them to reduce the image sizes. Then upload the compressed images to your OSSN and you will see a much better load time. Use websites such as and to test your sites load time.
Hope this helps. 🙂
enter image description here

enter image description here

Breton Julinlabs dsd Replied 2 years ago

hello guys, I'm using the latest ossn version available, 6.1 LTS, I'm not a programmer, I'm quite an amateur to be honest, in my case it takes 10 to 20 seconds depending on the page, the cache is on, when I reset the cache , it takes 20 seconds, when the cache is on it's around 5 to 10 seconds, I tried to inspect and remove the preloader and the visual content loads fast, but I have several components that really each one is essential for the use of my network social, I don't have many users, only 13 at the moment, before proceeding to more users I wanted to optimize more, without compromising on the content I have, if you want to check it out, it's

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

Let me also add my question, what version of OSSN are you running ? because in later OSSN version pre-loader is optimized by default which means it will be removed as soon as html document is available (not checking if images loaded or not). I am guessing your html document isn't loaded completely (including the scripts)

Breton Rafael [] Replied 2 years ago


Can you share how many time is your "considerable time"?

Another questions are:
- numbers of users
- number os components in use
- cache is on or off
- current theme

I think this points are important to understand what happened and how to help you and improve ossn platform

[Update] Using a modified version of white theme, my ossn needs 3.6 seconds to load. Cache off because site is in development.


German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

Hmm...sounds a bit like boiling eggs, timer set for a reasonable 5 minutes, but would take the eggs out after 3 minutes.
I mean: why confront people with an unfinished page that isn't usable yet anyway? You should rather find a more powerful server.

Breton Julinlabs dsd Replied 2 years ago

6.1 LTS the last version, no i want to remove all preloader, to show faster the content of my page posi is taking a while, I use fast preloader but it still doesn't help.

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 2 years ago

Are you referring to the component, Fast Preloader? that makes the preloader disappear faster? And which version of ossn are you using?

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