Componente lingua italiana non va

fabio massaro Posted in Technical Support 9 years ago

Quando vado a installare un componente ( Lingua Italiana )
mi dice "Impossibile installare componenti! Assicurarsi che sia un pacchetto valido."

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 9 years ago

Congratulations: It seems you've got it made. :)

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 9 years ago

"Italien Language" is not a component but a language pack. And language packs have to be installed manually. Check the structure of the zip archive: You'll find all corresponding directories in your OSSN installation. Simply make sure to move each of those files to the right place via ftp.

A little more intelligent and faster way would be to unzip the archive locally, rename the top directory "italien" to the name of your OSSN installation directory, re-zip it, move it to your server and unzip it there.