Convert RAW images to jpeg?

Dominik L Posted in Technical Support 11 months ago

When trying to upload RAW photos (file type .dng) from iPhone, it says that the file type is not valid - is there any possibility to convert them while uploading?

Dutch Josecde Josecde Replied 11 months ago

I can convert it in jpeg. myBayCare

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 11 months ago

Yes everything is possible. You need a Imagick extension that convert temporary file to a actual image png/jpeg without special php extension it is not possible to do with standard php installation.

German Dominik L Replied 11 months ago

yeah, but is it somehow possible to add support or a converting mechanism?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 11 months ago

OSSN doesn't support dng images those images need to be processed by your phone first.